Mr Erasmus Mupfiga
The Registrar’s Department is the Secretariat of the University, the nerve centre and the rallying point of all administrative activities of the University. The Department is headed by the Registrar who reports to the Vice-Chancellor for the day to day administration of the University.
For the efficient and smooth running of the Department, it is divided into Sections:
Admissions and Student Records Section
The Section is responsible for the admission of students into the University and the keeping of students’ records. The Section is also responsible for producing transcripts and printing of certificates for the students.
Human Resources Section
The Section is responsible for recruitment of all University staff academic and non-academic. It is also mandated to ensure workplace safety, compliance with labour law, maintenance of good employee relations and also handling of all staff disciplinary issues.
Central Services Section
The Section is responsible for the provision of all operational services which include cleaning of offices and students rooms, provision of teas and preparation of venues for University meetings.
Student Affairs Section
The Section is responsible for all student welfare issues such as accommodation, food and health. The Section is also responsible for organising student’s sporting activities and entertainment
Examinations Section
The Section is responsible for the conduct of examinations in the University. It is responsible for printing University question papers and also ensuring that examinations are written within the set quality assurance standards. The Section also ensures that the examination question papers and marked scripts are subjected to external examination moderation processes