
Information and Public Relations


Our three communication focus areas inform our efforts: favourably positioning and marketing the University’s brand, implementing effective communication programmes, and optimising stakeholder relationship management. We engage continually with our clients, ensuring that our products and services are the outcome of extensive collaboration and co-creation. We add value through specialist communication, branding and stakeholder relationship management skills and services that promote the favourable positioning of Gwanda State University in the marketplace.​

​​​Our Services

​​The Information and Public Relations Section provides a number of services for Gwanda State University’s campus community.​

Strategic Communication​​

Writing, translating and editing Photography & videography Communication themes and key messages, Institutional messaging Advice and support for communication platforms

Stakeholder Relations

Events planning, Key messages, Updating stakeholder database, advise on protocols

​​Brand and Corporate Identity

​Brand related support, corporate identity management, Advise on protocols The Information and Public Relations Office’s work encompasses a wide range of communication platforms, from print and digital publications to websites and events.​

Media Relations

Gwanda State University liaises and maintains relationships with a wide range of media. The Public Relations Office is a central point for media enquiries, expert opinion, photo requests, media monitoring and the distribution of media releases and articles on leading research, innovation, successes and events.




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